2019 Year in Review
We have been blessed and have been a blessing in 2019. Let’s touch on a few highlights from the year.
We had a wonderful Italian Dinner put on by one of our Couple’s Bible Study Groups. As always, the food and fellowship were delightful! This year we are looking forward to a Chili Supper & Game Night on Sunday February 9. (The Italian Dinner crew is taking a year off, and will return in 2021!)
During the month of March, Joel and Wendy Heidtke, our Crossways Campaign leaders, presented the specifics of the Crossways Camps projects, timetable, and activities. We were able to surpass our goal of $15,000 and donate $ 17,221 to the campaign.
The St. John’s Ministry Planning Team and ministry leaders kicked off the “We are a Church of Stewards” activities for 2019 with a Time and Talent worship service. And this fall, many of you participated in the Gifted and Grateful study. Thank you for sharing your time and talents at St. John’s!
Thank you to everyone who took part in the St. John’s Picture Directory photo sessions! If you haven’t picked up your directory or would like one, we still have some extras.
Through God’s Work, Our Hands volunteering at Kathy Hospice several of your fellow members took advantage of Hospice Training through Horizon Health and Hospice Care. Often when we think of Stewardship we think of donating money or time/talent to our congregation. Sometimes we overlook the fact that Stewardship also takes the form of sharing God’s Grace with others.
St. John’s hosted Family Promise families twice this year! The families appreciated our hospitality and good food! Thank you to all those who volunteer, we couldn’t do this without you!
Nick Abt and Pastor got ‘high’ (literally!) with a group of youth backpacking at Skyranch in Colorado! College student, Michael Novotny served on summer staff there! And Pastor and 5 young adults thoroughly enjoyed an adventure trip to Grand Canyon in May.
We’ve have a new Veterans Group that gathers every month for fellowship, speakers, and to work on projects. If you or a friend are a veteran we welcome you to join us!
We welcomed new members through Holy Baptism: Ryker Luedtke, Delaney Kiel, Ashten Pochowski, Charlotte Heidtke, Carson Inhof, Riley Nelsen, Hallie Stockhausen, Savannah Christenson, Cassidy Goniu, Brantley Prost, Coraline Hauser.
And we celebrated and mourned with the families of Mary Wills, Cris Radke, Lucille Stark, Jason Lisko, Bill Tock, Violet Juech, Dan Hansen, Terry Stella, Rich Kienast, Clarice Basing, Melody Spencer, Joann Kurtz.
We welcomed new members: Carl & Peggy Krueger, John & Lisa Dyson, Nancy & Scott Kinter, Brian & Jess Goniu and Cassidy, Dave & Linda McFadden, Rich Schneider, Angel Bialk, Dale & Laura Reisinger and Caitlan and Anna, Dennis and Carol Heider, and Lee Anne Runnells. In addition we welcome Ron Dreesman, and more wonderful newcomers!