Christmas is the season for giving!
- Thank you to all who brought gifts for the Giving Tree, and to Beth Mittermaier for organizing and getting those to Family Promise of Washington County.
- Our Crossways Camps, our sister-churches (Ulong’a in Tanzania and All Peoples’ in Milwaukee), Lutheran Social Services, and Lutheran World Relief are all wonderful partners who can use extra gifts this year too.
- The 2017 Tax Bill made it harder for many of us to ‘itemize’ and therefore to deduct charitable gifts. But this year, anyone (whether or not your itemize on your taxes) can deduct $300 of charitable giving, and a couple can deduct $600. For those of you who have to take an IRA distribution, you can also give those directly, and pay no tax on the withdrawal.
- Christmas Care Packages for Shut-ins and Members in the Military. Want to make cookies? Write cards? Make a craft? Organize this effort? We might not be able to visit and Christmas carol, but we can drop off some cheer at people’s doors! Let us know how you could help?