The church picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 18th.
We need help with setup and takedown, kitchen help, and people to help run games.
We are going to have another basket raffle.
Who can donate a basket? Anyone!! We’re looking for gift baskets of all sorts –
Gardening, movie, kid’s games, baby, camping, college, Italian dinner, wine/cheese, etc. And by‘basket’ it doesn’t mean it has to be a basket. Clay pots, small coolers, laundry baskets, popcorn bowls, etc., all make wonderful ‘baskets’. When do you need to have this completed by? Baskets must be delivered to church no later than Friday, September 16th at noon. Please have your ‘basket’ wrapped in a clear plastic wrap (available at the dollar stores) with a list attached to the outside of the contents.
One half of all proceeds will be given to the Good Samaritan fund and one half to Feed My Starving Children.
If you have any questions or would like to provide a basket please sign up in the gathering space or talk to Wendy Wolf. There are also signups to bring a dish to pass. We look forward to this great day of fellowship and fun!