Family Promise of Washington County was started in 2009 due to a need for housing services in the area. It started out as the Interfaith Hospitality Network of 14 congregations in the county. Today they have over 30 congregations in the Hospitality Network and have expanded their services to include the Transitional Housing program and the Rapid Re-Housing program in 2012. In June of 2014 they opened the Promise Center. Since then they’ve been able to provide 8 supportive apartments in the building and provide space for Habitat for Humanity and Professional Services Group. Host congregations open their building to provide a safe, hospitable shelter for the families a week at a time. St. John’s will host families the week of May 17-23. We need volunteers to either provide meals, be a host during supper, or stay overnight. If you’re interested in volunteering or would like more info, talk to Wendy Wolf at the church office or sign up at the Welcome & Resource Desk.