What kind of Lutherans are you?
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA is a church that seeks out working and friendly relationships with other churches and denominations around the world and throughout the country. Get to know us better.
Where is St. John’s?
We’re located at 2881 Division Road, Jackson, Wisconsin – about 2 miles south of Highway 60. More complete directions.
Is your building accessible?
Yes. The elevator is right next to the west entrance (back of the church). Accessible restrooms are on the main floor.
How can I become a member of St. John’s?
Basically, you join with St. John’s by being active in worship, coming to Holy Communion, and supporting the mission of the church with your offerings of time and possessions. We offer an “Adult Inquirers’ Class” for 7 weeks, that we encourage all new members to participate in as they are able. At least twice a year we do a one-session “Orientation for New Members” followed by a “New Member Sunday”. We try to make the ‘hoops’ easy to jump through, while we encourage a deep commitment to Christ and to being part of his church!
Current members of another ELCA congregation can transfer their membership to St. John’s, or become an ‘associate member’.
Can the pastor baptize me or my baby?
We will be happy to talk with those interested in baptism for themselves or their children. Please call! No, you do not have to be church members first.
Can I get married at St. John’s?
If you and your fiance desire a Christian wedding service, please call the Pastor. No, you do not have to be church members first. We hope you will choose to be after the wedding!