Outreach for Hope 2021 Ride Run Walk
Join us on Saturday, September 25 for the Outreach for Hope 2021 Ride Run Walk, and help raise $150K for grants to central city congregations in the Greater Milwaukee Synod!
Visit OFHRRW.org to register to participate at one of our event sites (each site offers a walk, and road and trail rides unless otherwise noted): Dan Johnson is heading up a team for St. John’s at Ozaukee County: Grafton/Ozaukee Interurban Trail and county roads. There are other locations as well as a Virtual Only: Ride, run, walk, and/or fundraise on your own schedule (7/15 – 9/25)
Use this link to donate to the team or register to ride/walk. https://outreachforhope.salsalabs.org/ofhrrw2021/t/stjohnslutheranjacksondanjohnson/index.html
Volunteers are also needed! Visit tinyurl.com/OFHRRWvolunteer or call us at 414-671-1212 to learn more and sign up.