Matthew 7 = Sermon on the Mount = Hearing + Doing
Bible Background: The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew is a collection of Jesus’ teachings (not likely a single sermon!) that shows Jesus as a “new Moses” and more! Today’s reading is like a collection of proverbs-wise teachings-where, if the listener will hear and obey them, they will indeed be wise and faithful.
Digging Deeper: 1. “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged” is partially good advice! We live in a world that is always judging people, often wrongly. We also live in a world where we have to judge between good and evil, between who to trust and who not to, and what is right and just. Possibly, the Greek word here is more about “do not take it upon yourselves to decide who is “in” and who is “excluded” from the kingdom of God!”
2. The “log in your own eye” problem…this is human nature, to see someone else’s fault or sin, and to completely miss seeing our own! Pastor/Professor Rolf Jacobson (from Luther Seminary, one of the ‘brains’ behind the Narrative Lectionary) likes to say: The Law of God works best when we apply it to ourselves! Very seldom can we change others. It is possible, sometimes, to change ourselves. It is very easy, though, to annoy or offend or exclude others by our words and deeds.
3. “Ask, seek, knock” becomes a separate proverb. In chapter 6, Jesus has assured his disciples that God knows that they need-so go ahead and ask! Seek! Trust that God will help you find, and will help open a door to the future for you.
4. The Golden Rule! Do to others as you would have them do to you! In what ways does that sum up “the law and the prophets?” If our faith teaches us to be right with God, Jesus insists that that happens when we are right with people-with our neighbors and our enemies.
5. Narrow gate vs. wide gate/road=The emphasis here echoes the emphasis of Moses’ teachings in Deuteronomy, about listening carefully to and acting upon God’s commands. In Matthew 7, this parable about the wise vs. the foolish builder invites us to take the teachings of Jesus to heart; to obey them; and to act upon them!
6. Vs. 28-29 are a ‘summary’ statement, concluding the Sermon on the Mount material. Jesus is recognized as teaching with authority. The crowds are astounded! He is much more than a Jewish Scribe (one of the experts in the religious law). Jesus knows God’s law. He knows how to live by it, how to apply it, and how to make it real and life-giving for people!