Some background on the Psalms: The book of Psalms is really a collection of books (5 groupings). These Hebrew poems/songs were the song book and prayer book for Israel. Many authors wrote these psalms over the span of around 1000 BC to 400 BC. Basically there are 5 types of Psalms: Lament, Trust, Praise/Thanksgiving, Royal (having to do with the king/nation), and Wisdom. Psalm 100 is usually categorized as a Praise psalm.
Digging Deeper: Psalm 100 is a summons to all people, in every place, to joyfully praise and worship God. There are 7 imperatives (command statements): Make a joyful noise; worship the Lord; come into his presence; know that the Lord is God; enter his gates; give thanks; bless his name.
100:1 “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth” This is a summons to everyone and to all creation!
100:2 “Worship the Lord with gladness!” We’re actually created to praise God, and to find great joy in doing that!
100:3 “Know this: the Lord is God!” This is the central verse and theme of this psalm. God has made us. We belong to God. God alone is worthy of our praise! There’s also a reminder in this verse that “we are not our own” (see 1 Corinthians 6:19), we are not self-made women and men. We are God’s creations, and we bear God’s image! We’re also described as his ‘sheep’ in this verse, implying that God is our Good Shepherd!
100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving.” Think of what our ancestors in faith thanked God for. What do we thank God for?
100:5 “His steadfast love endures forever”. Did you know that the words “steadfast love” appear 120 times in the Psalms? That’s almost once per Psalm! Speaking and celebrating this truth frees us, and forms us, and helps us trust God, and gives us a message to share with others about God!
A Challenge for Summer: We’re spending just 5 weeks in the Psalms. Can you spend those 5 weeks reading through the book of Psalms? Or will you dare to memorize 1 additional psalm, perhaps this one? The psalms help us pour out our souls to God, both our joys and sorrows; both our hopes and fears!