John 17=Jesus Is Praying For Us!
Bible Background: This is the last part of the “Farewell Discourse” in John’s Gospel, that spans chapters 14–17, and for which the setting is the Upper Room with the disciples. Jesus prays that God may be glorified; that the disciples may be kept close to God and to each other; and for their witness to future believers (like us!)
Digging Deeper: 1. The first part of the prayer essentially glorifies God-in all the closeness between the Father and the Son; and in all Jesus has accomplished on earth.
2. At verse 11b, Jesus prays for his followers “protect them”, and adds “so they may be one, as we are one”. What do you hear Jesus asking for? And not asking for?
3. At verse 15, Jesus makes them more specific “not asking you to take them out of the world…but to protect them from the evil one”. The reality that John is addressing is that his flock of believers have been driven out of the synagogue; the split with the Jews has hurt them; they are a little minority group trying to keep faith, and maybe risking their lives. (The worst time of persecution will develop later.) What kind of protection might they need? What else might they need to keep their faith and share their faith in their little corner of the world?
4. Back at verse 13, there’s this prayer for “joy” again: “That they may have my joy made complete in themselves.” This might be a reminder that part of the beauty of life and joy in Christ is that it is not dependent on nice, and easy, and safe outward circumstances! What, for you, is the joy of Jesus?
5. A couple of times, Jesus says “they do not belong to the world” but then he adds “I have sent them into the world.” How are we to keep one foot firmly planted in God’s kingdom, while we keep the other foot firmly planted in the world that God loves and that God has placed us in?
How does this text comfort you? How does it challenge you? How does it encourage you?