Sunday, October 17, 2021

Posted on Oct 16 2021

1 Samuel 3=The Call of Young Samuel
Bible Background: From the time of Joshua to the time of Samuel, there are leaders known as “Judges”, who are a combination of military, political and religious leaders. By the end of the Book of Judges, however, things are really a mess “In those days, there was no king in Israel. Each person did what was right in their own eyes.” And when the Book of 1 Samuel opens, we find the priesthood is in shambles, too. The sons of old Priest Eli, are completely corrupt and out of control. That’s when we meet a childless woman, named Hannah (and husband who loves her-Elkanah). She prays for a child, and then vows to give that child to the service of the LORD. Samuel is that boy! God calls to him in the night!

Digging Deeper: 1. Samuel has been living in the tabernacle of God, serving old Eli, since he was little. One night, God calls to him. Samuel, understandably, thinks it’s his ‘boss’, Eli. Eventually, Eli coaches him that it is the LORD, and he should say “Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.”

2. The message God delivers to Samuel is a harsh one. Old Eli demands to hear it. To his credit, he accepts the will of God. He will fade from the scene, and Samuel will have a long service as a prophet, and as Israel’s religious leader. He will anoint Saul and then David to be king (after warning the people “be careful what you ask for!”)

3. Some wonderful things to ponder from this story are:
How do we listen for a word from the LORD? How do we discern if what we think we hear is a message from God or not? Who has helped us grasp how God might have been calling us or speaking to us? What are some ways we can help-younger people especially-to listen to God’s “call” and respond? How might God still be calling you? Has it been a longstanding ‘nudge’? A yearning? An invitation to get out of your comfort zone? An assurance that you have a gift/talent to use?