Sunday, October 2, 2022

Posted on Oct 01 2022


Background: After the time of Joseph, the Israelites become slaves in Egypt. Life gets worse and worse for them. God hears the cries of the people and promises deliverance. God chooses Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. This pivotal event is known as the Exodus. This becomes the key story of salvation in the Old Testament, and remains so for the Jewish people today. Some would count this as THE most important chapter in the Old Testament. On a history timeline, this would be roughly 1200 B.C.

1. Last week, in the story of Joseph, God was working quietly, behind the scenes. This week, God’s actions are ‘loud’ and very public! The people are fearful and are ready to give up. What three things does Moses command them to do in verse 13?

2. The Egyptians are the superpower of their day. They have the latest high-tech weaponry. Yet Pharoah and his army are no match for God’s power! The Egyptian army meets a violent end. Perhaps we find their destruction by God disturbing? How can God justify saving one nation while destroying another? It might help to remember that this event and story are told to show how God liberates God’s people from slavery and oppression. What groups of people might find this story encouraging today? What groups might find it to be frightening?

3. Note in verse 11 that the Israelites whine and complain. (This is not the only time they do that!) What do you make of their complaints? How are we like them in tough moments? When should we cry out to God or to our leaders? What does it mean to “be still and know that I am God”?

4. What are some things the people of the world need to be liberated from today? What are some things you need to be freed from? Are we the ones dragging our feet on some of those opportunities God is trying to provide? In Baptism, God liberates us from the powers of sin and death!

Next time, we read about how the Ten Commandments are part of God’s covenant. Read Exodus chapters 19 and 20.