St. John’s Veterans Group
Our next St. John’s Vet’s Group Meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00am at St. John’s Church. We encourage both St. John’s members and non-members to attend our meetings. This is a great way to get together and share experiences with other Veterans’.
Our Veterans Group is updating the Veteran’s Board at Church. Part of the “updating” is having an updated list of Veterans that are past or present members of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Another part of the updating is having a 3 ring binder, near the Veterans Board, where Veterans, or their families, can provide a biography and/or pictures of their time in the military service. We are asking that the biography and pictures be no more than one page in length. You can add as little or as much as you want. To have your or your loved ones Biography/Pictures added to the 3 ring binder please contact Wendy Wolf in the church office. Please send your Biography/Pictures to Wendy by email (, if possible.