Thank you for Using the Suggestion Box!
Several folks expressed concern about the “Children’s Space” up front in the sanctuary, especially when it gets a bit noisy there! It’s intended to be a space where a wiggly child in the pew can be a quiet, content, child on the floor-included in worship, and not confined to the Cry Room. We’ll remind parents of little ones to sit next to that space when their child is using it. The space is quite helpful to a number of kids and parents!
A question also came up about whether we need to celebrate Holy Communion every week. Our Worship Committee believes that’s a good thing. It’s the normal practice in most congregations of our ELCA. It used to be that ‘regular’ worship attendance meant 3 or 4 Sundays a month. Now, with peoples’ surplus of work and other commitments, many cannot attend every week, and might well miss a ‘Communion Sunday’. We think it’s important to have the Sacrament available whenever someone is here. Every Sunday is a mini-celebration of Christ’s resurrection, and sharing in this ‘feast of victory’ is our privilege and delight! (You need not commune every week, if that’s not your personal preference.)
Thank you for questions and feedback and prayers for our life together, and for understanding that your leaders and pastor work hard to find what works best for the whole group!