What can we do to stay connected?
Our health experts tell us we’re in for a long, hard, stretch with Covid19, the flu season, and winter arriving. We need good, creative, safe ways to connect folks as a church and in the community. What are your great ideas? Would you be part of a Phone-a-Friend Team? Or a card-writing team? Could we have some Soup-makers and deliverers or carryout? Anyone want to make simple ‘care packages’ for different age groups that could be left at someone’s door? Who is willing to participate in or lead a small group study via Zoom? Do any of you tech-savvy folks have an idea for how we can do Sunday School Christmas Program virtually? What can we do for Christmas worship online or outdoors or perhaps indoors with small groups? Would you contribute a daily devotion to Facebook on a Bible verse, hymn verse, or faith practice that is helping you get through this pandemic? Some of our usual things we can’t do, but there are all kinds of new things we can try!