What shall we do about a number of things going forward?
We’re worshipping in person Saturdays at 5:00 and Sundays at 9:45 (also on Facebook), with masks and distancing. And now that more people are getting vaccinated, that’s an encouraging sign! We continue Zoom Coffee Hour after Sunday Worship and “Drive-up” Communion (weather permitting). If you aren’t ready to come to indoor worship yet but just want to come and sit in our worship space & pray – feel welcome to do that. The building is usually open.
On Wednesdays in Lent, we’re also gathering at 11:00 and 7:00 (also on Facebook), and seeking to nurture our faith by focusing on “In the Wilderness” and how God sees us through all of life’s expected and unexpected journeys!
Council and Pastor and Worship Team are in conversation regularly on the virus numbers in Washington County, and are weighing the benefits and risks of gathering in person. We very much look forward to the day we can do that again! In the meantime, special thanks to our Tech Team! We’re excited about the upgrade in video equipment and sound! We know that doesn’t reach all of you, but we’re thankful it reaches many!
If you aren’t getting a weekly email update from church, make sure we have your current email address, and perhaps check your ‘spam’ folder just in case messages are landing there.
And what about Sunday School? Our Education Team met this week and we do not think we can do in-person Sunday School this fall. We will offer a number of lesson packets we can hand out, and weekly online opportunities. Contact Staci or the office for the zoom link if you don’t have it.
Parents: We’ll appreciate your feedback and ideas. We give thanks for ways we can get connected and stay connected when we’re not able to do that in-person like we’re used to!