What’s Going on At St. John’s
Thanks to everyone that helped or came to eat at the Culver’s fundraiser on January 22. The total raised for the Full Shelf Food Pantry was $307 from Culver’s, plus $62 in the donation jar.
Interested in Fun and Fellowship? Wendy Wolf is looking for people interested in joining a new group to help organize some fun and fellowship activities. Email Wendy at clubwolfy@yahoo.com for more information.
Sunday coffee hour dates are available. Pick a Sunday to bring baked good or snacks of your choice and then provide some simple set up help in the kitchen. Additional kitchen help is always available. Contact Nancy in the office for information or for available Sundays.
Bells practiceThursdays at 6:30. Contact Marsha for information if interested.
“Fitness and Fellowship” continues to meet through the winter at 9am on Wednesdays in the gathering space. Everyone is welcome to join them any Wednesday, and friends are welcome too!
Bible Study meets with Pastor at 9:00am every Monday in the Upper Room. Newcomers are welcome and we could include you at home via Zoom as well, if you’d like to participate that way! Let Pastor know.
Grief Support Group meetings continue on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, at the new time – 2:00pm.
Everyone is welcome to join the quilting group. No experience is needed. The Quilters will continue meeting 2 times each month to work on their 2025 quilt project. February meetings will be at 10:00 on Monday February 3 and 17th.
Registration is open for Crossways Camping Ministries! Young students can try a ‘short week’ at camp (2 night stay), older students can attend for a full week. Confirmation students will attend the week of July 6-11 (and we’ll email you parents exact signup details!) There’s also Grandparent/Grandkids’ weeks, and Family Camp weekends! And, it would be great to have a ‘work crew’ up at camp for a day or a weekend this spring. www.crosswayscamps.org