Growing in Christ, we welcome, worship and witness. Worship services are Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:00am and 9:45am. Facebook Live services are Sunday 9:45am.
We believe that God - who is Power and Love - is active in our lives, this world, and this church.
We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of all!
We believe the Holy Spirit gives significant gifts to every person and creates faith in us.
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and the norm for faith and life.
We believe that Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are ways that God's grace and promises are made real for us.
We believe the Church is called to be a servant church, welcoming all, and working with all who are open to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
St. John's includes people of all ages, and many backgrounds. Some are lifelong Lutherans. Some have come from Roman Catholic, United Methodist, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and Lutheran Church Missouri Synod upbringing. Some come without any church experience. All are welcome!
Current membership is about 600 baptized members. Some members can walk to church; others live within a 35 mile radius. About 230 worship each weekend.
ELCA stands for The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a church body of 10,500 interdependent congregations, plus colleges & universities, outdoor ministries, and social service organizations. Our churchwide headquarters are in Chicago.
The ELCA is a church that seeks out working and friendly relationships with other churches and denominations around the world and throughout the country. We have "full communion" relationships with The Episcopal Church, The Presbyterian Church USA, The Reformed Church in America, The United Church of Christ, and The United Methodist Church. We're part of the 75 million member Lutheran World Federation.
Our local grouping of 19 area congregations is known as the Northern Lakeshore Mission Cluster. We are part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod (139 ELCA congregations in southeast Wisconsin.)
People come to a congregation for a variety of reasons. Some come primarily for the chance to worship and draw closer to Christ. Some come for that reason and in search of friendship. Some come to bring up their children in a faith community.
For all newcomers, acceptance for who they are is very important. The challenge for all the members of a church is to make room in our hearts and in our conversations for new folks! The challenge is to welcome them as Christ has welcomed each of us! To do that well, we must reach out-take some risks-and intentionally greet, introduce ourselves to, and include others. One way to introduce yourself is to say “Hi, I’m (your name) and I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet yet.” Then the other person, whether “new” or not so new, can respond.
Though we’re naturally attracted to conversations with friends when we gather before or after worship, it is important to notice new faces around us and interrupt our usual conversations long enough to greet that new brother or sister in Christ. When a new person comes to worship by himself/herself, it’s especially important to extend that hand of greeting and welcome. Teens and young people appreciate special recognition too!