Join us for worship

When we gather in God’s house to share God’s Word, celebrate the Sacraments, and offer our prayers and praise, we are being the church! And we’re gathering as young and old, rich and poor, weak and strong in a caring community.


  • Sunday Worship


    We use a variety of Lutheran worship styles - traditional, blended, and contemporary. Christian education for preschool - high school begins at 9:30am. During most months, we follow this schedule. Call to confirm.

    • Holy Communion is celebrated every weekend.
    • 3rd Sunday - Oh, the Joy communion service at 9:00am accompanied by piano, guitar, violin, and/or flute.
    • 4th Sunday - Celebration Service (A little more contemporary with a simpler liturgy and praise songs.)
    • 5th Sunday - Hymn Sing - Congregation chooses the songs!
  • Saturday Worship

    5:00 pm

    Saturday evening worship is more informal. Pastor Paul often puts aside his sermon and discusses the lessons with those in attendance.
  • Special Services

    • Wednesday worship during Lent at 11:00am and 7:00pm
    • Service of Healing Prayers (for anyone desiring physical, spiritual, or emotional healing)
    • Service of Remembrance (each December, for those facing the holidays after losing a loved one.)