Christ has called us to serve, and there are many opportunities for mission at St. John’s. Our Director of Lay Ministries will help you find your niche!
Through time and talents, our church and individual members support the following local missions:
Lutheran Social Services (working with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) asked us to partner with Our Savior's Lutheran/West Bend in 2006 to sponsor a Meskhetian Turk family eligible to immigrate from Russia to the United States.
We accepted the invitation and agreed to make our parsonage available for the family to live in while they get established in this new land.
We partnered with the family in a number of ways: helping with transportation; enrollment in English classes; doctor's appointments; and all the adjustments necessary to start a new life in America. In exchange, we've been blessed by their kindness and generosity, and by getting to know and work with a dedicated group from Our Savior's.
Thanks to all who have helped and offered to help!