Learning and growing in faith


  • Sunday School happens at 8:30am each week for kids in preschool through high school.

    Friends are welcome at Sunday School. If you're having a sleepover on Saturday night, get some sleep and bring your friends!

    We would love to have you join us!

  • Schedule

    Confirmation meets each Wednesday evening from 7:00pm-8:20pm during the school year. We have students from 8 different middle schools. If we have a snowy day, call the church office, and the answering machine will tell if class is on or not.

    New Students

    New students are welcome to join. Confirmation is geared for 7th-8th graders. Older students and adults can also be confirmed by participating in a high school or adult class.


    Classes are a combination of large group presentations and small group discussions.

    Assignments and Expectations

    • We expect students to be in attendance or call-in when they will be absent.
    • We expect good behavior, language, and treatment of fellow students.
    • We expect regular participation at worship and Sunday School.
    • We expect students to complete assignments thoughtfully and on time, just as you would at school.

    Service Projects

    Small groups will plan several service projects throughout the year. We remember Jesus came "not to be served, but to serve!"

    YouthQuake or Camp Retreat

    During the school year students have the option of attending YouthQuake (a busy, exciting weekend in the Dells led by Youth Encounter), or a weekend retreat at Crossways Camps. These events help us mix faith and fun.

    Confirmation Camp

    One of the best parts of our confirmation program is a week at confirmation camp at Crossways Camp near Clintonville. We usually go the second Sunday in July and come home on Friday afternoon.

    Confirmation Guides

    Each year we depend on 4-6 caring adults and 4-6 caring high school students to be small group leaders (guides) in our confirmation program. Speak with Pastor if you have a heart for middle-school students.

  • Fifth graders are encouraged to take this class in the spring. Classes are held during the regular Sunday School time. The students complete the class work, meet with Pastor Paul, and take their first communion when they are ready.

  • St. John's holds VBS in August for kids ages 3 through 6th grade. We usually kick off the week with a Sunday evening program and supper for all ages, and then meet Monday-Thursday mornings with students.

    Friends and newcomers are always welcome!

  • Learning and Christian living go hand in hand, for all ages! Our Christian faith is always a work-in-progress.

    Adult Inquirers' Classes

    These are led by Pastor, especially for those new to the Lutheran Church or the ELCA. Participants get to "inquire" and ask questions about what Lutheran Christians believe, teach, and practice. This is a 7-week course, usually held in spring and fall. We use a small book entitled No Experience Necessary-On the Job Training for Christians.

    Bible for Dummies

    Bible for Dummies is the title of a "dummies" yellow book that gives us an introductory look at the books, major stories, and themes of the Bible. It's a good opportunity to get to know scripture better and to ask questions about the Bible! You can be a 'dummy' or a long time student of the Bible and get something out of this class!

    Monday Morning Bible Study

    Men are welcome to join this study group at any time. They meet on Monday mornings at 9:00am.

    Bible study and more

    We're always eager to have small groups engage in studying books of the Bible, discussing various topics, or comparing religions. These are led by Pastor and/or others.