2023 in review/looking into 2024
2023 was a good year in many respects!
+Attendance is back to near pre-pandemic levels. Online worshippers add to that.
+Sunday School is growing again! We thank Christy Abt and Chris Guslick-our two main leaders-for their devotion to the kids; and for you parents who are finding the time in your busy weekends to bring kids. Thank you for thinking of families you know whom you can invite!
+We thanked Kassidy Bohling and Michael Novotny for being our Youth Ministry Interns for several years, when it was really challenging to gather students. Right now, Jamie Reidy is taking the lead, and welcomes teens and adults who will help us focus on students and activities that help them grow as a group, and as persons.
+We’re helping support Michael Novotny in his year of service in the UK, with our ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program!
+We did some really good ‘extra mile’ giving in 2023, which we hoped would happen after paying off our building loan! Our ELCA Mission Support and Missionary Sponsorship giving grew significantly. And our General Fund and Building Fund did fine too! Thank you! Asante sana! (Swahili for ‘thank you very much!’)
+We welcomed Leanne Ports to fill a council seat vacated by Jennifer Binversie. Leanne’s role and interest on council is to head-up our Community Outreach Team, and she’s also committed to organizing folks who will visit shut-ins.
+One of our own-Linda Grosser-serves on our Greater Milwaukee Synod Council, and the Executive Committee! That’s a big job, and helps remind us that we’re part of the larger church nearby, across the country, and around the world.
+Speaking of our Greater Milwaukee Synod, you folks made possible $29,000 in giving and pledges towards our Synod’s “Equipping the Saints” campaign. And that campaign is helping equip congregations and individual leaders for serving in these changing times. Thank you again, for such generosity!
+A “Fitness and Fellowship” group began meeting on Wednesday mornings!
Looking into 2024:
+We have two Eagle Scout candidates refining two different proposals for projects on our grounds: Sam Eisenhauer envisions a nifty Fire Circle/Outdoor Small Group gathering space/worship space on the south edge of the main parking lot. (More to come on that!)
And Kyle Rusinski, with input from Dan Johnson (a Life-Scout himself!) is putting together ideas for a Prairie Garden, probably for the southwest corner of our property that could also double as a place where cremains (ashes) could be respectfully spread-for those who don’t want or need a burial space. Prairie space-once established-needs little care, and will save us on mowing, too!
Watch for more details, and then encourage these young people along!
+We’re exploring some energy saving upgrades with the help of “Focus on Energy”. We’re also checking on the feasibility of a small solar project, both to care for God’s creation, and to help over time with our energy use!
+Property Committee will look into the last ‘unfinished’ part of our building, which is the ‘new’ basement ceiling. And then, we also will address some deferred maintenance items on what we have.
+Angel Bialk continues to be our parsonage ‘tenant’ and appreciates that space being our home. She makes a monthly contribution to the church. And special thanks to Keith Heidtke and helpers who replaced a few of the nearly 100 year old windows remaining in that durable structure!
+We put Crossways Camps and Lutheran Social Services back in our ‘budget’ for an annual gift to each of these partners in ministry. We have the funds to do that!
+We’d love to see if there are a group of young adults, or guys, or women, or moms who would like to form some sort of group for fellowship, growth, and service. Anyone game?