Bible Background: Paul has used the opening chapters of Romans to described how we and the world are estranged from God because of sin: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” -3:23; and he describes God’s remedy “they are now justified by his grace as a gift” -3:24. Paul uses legal language in these chapters, and now employs more the language of ‘faith’. His words are still “thick”. They are also rich!
Going Deeper: 1. Paul’s talk of suffering in v. 3 is not about suffering from pain or arthritis. He’s not glorifying suffering, though it may seem that way. Paul is thinking of the suffering we endure living in this sinful, broken, world; and the suffering we take into our own hearts because we belong to Christ. This ties us to Christ’s suffering, so that then we can begin to imagine how his suffering leads to endurance, character, hope. Paul will promise us in chapter 8 that no suffering whatsoever can separate us from God and God’s love.
2. Note how all the pronouns in this stretch are plural, as in “we”, “our”, and “us”. This is important! We’re living in faith, and we’re being rescued from the power of sin together-with each other, and with Christ! When do you need a reminder that you’re not all alone in life?
3. “Access to grace” is a neat touch! Everyone may not have access to wealth, or to the internet, or even to healthcare. Everyone does have access to grace, thanks to Jesus. Who do you rub shoulders with that doesn’t know this or grasp this? How can you invite them to trust that this is true?
4. Another good image is how “God’s love is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” If something is poured into us, that’s a sign of abundance! God doesn’t trickle God’s love into our hearts. God piles it on. Can we also remember to be generous and gracious in pouring out God’s love (and our love) for others?
5. Reconciliation is a big idea in this passage. It’s a gift. It’s a possibility. It’s our mission too. Consider what needs reconciling in our lives? Our communities? Our relationships? What can you do to be an agent of reconciliation, even in some small way?